Deadly Buda Trax


by Joshua Hayward

What does the future hold for the dreaded —Millennial Bug“ problem come Jan.1st 2000 AD? Day after day, we read various stories ranging from: Buy a gun, dig a hole, store food-all in preparation for a complete meltdown of modern society, roving bands of brigands will roam the landscape raping anything that moves and pillaging food-so you must prepare or die. Or: It‘s no problem at all-come December 99, everyone is going to be up-to-date, the various computer networks of government, electric companies, banks, etc. will all have their systems fixed and you‘ll never notice anything happened. We are fed a constantly changing array of facts from so many sources with such a wide range of conflicting data, that no one can really get a good grasp of what the future holds on that potentially fateful date.

Except perhaps my frequent coffee shop loitering companion Joshua Hayward...

Based on his years doing readings on the Pearl Street Mall, Joshua claims to have done more tarot card readings in his lifetime than just about anyone alive. He is quite knowledgable in the field of astrology, I can vouch for his interpretive powers myself. That being said, one day the Y2K issue came up in conversation. While Joshua scoffed at the whole thing as having no effect whatsoever, I direly repeated the fear and paranoia that I generally pick up from AM radio talk shows. Amidst our disagreement on the information provided, it occurred to me that this was the perfect assignment for a keen astrologer. Essentially, the wide-angle historical lens of astrology would provide far more telling information than the fear-mongers or sooth-sayers- judging by the information that all is privy to! I requested that Joshua look into the matter as an exclusive for THE DEADLY TYPE. Here‘s the score...


Astrology is not an exact science; it is an intuitive science. Approaching the question of Y2K from an astrological position, I may not be able to tell whose computer will go down and whose will stay up. While Predictive Astrology sometimes produces a surprising level of accuracy, such is not always the case when it comes to exactitude and specificity in a delineation of events, at least in the empirical sense. It can be argued, however, that facts are highly overrated. As well, I personally promise that the “type” of event, or progression of events, will always be detected by the watchful astrological eye, and I have found, moreover, that astrology is at its finest when it calls forth the quality and nature of the event. What I hope to give here is the lay of a future land with some creative insight into the intent of the time.

In fact, astrology, properly used, is an intuitive art. It is a tool to help us craft our lives more consciously. We are creative beings, let us not forget. Perhaps the best way to look at the Y2K situation is an opportunity to create, or recreate, new structures for our lives on the planet. Systems failures present, moreover, new systems.

Before I begin an analysis of the astrological atmosphere of the nativity, or birth-time, of a new epoch in history, let me first backtrack in time in order to set up the Y2K event. In January, February, and March of 1996 came the biggest doorway into the next Age since the Harmonic Convergence in 1987, which was a time when the Earth was supposed to come into a new alignment with the Cosmos to prepare for Change. At the aforementioned time in 1996, planets in our solar system configured around our Earth to form a six, followed by several very tight five-pointed stars, shortly after which the Hale-Bopp Comet, at its perihelion (or its closest penetration to Earth), was one night in March seen in the same sky with a full lunar eclipse in the sign of Libra, meaning harmony and cooperation between “Heaven and Earth”, between brothers and sisters on our planet. I’ll never forget the awe of that sighting! If you saw it, it was a “once in all your lifetimes” experience.

During this period of time I gave some lectures in Boulder, Colorado which I had entitled Gaia Gateway to Aquarius. In that title the point of this backtracking is to be found. We have already entered the Age of Aquarius, at least in my opinion. I am endeavoring here to show that major shifts have already been happening, and it should be reassuring that Y2K does not carry the full weight of the birth of an Age, at least not in the astrological sense.

Some more background information, which is useful, is to note that the outer planets, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto have moved into the very high octane signs of Aquarius and Sagittarius. These planets rule “transpersonal” activity, or the general trends of the world’s populace. As time builds toward Y2K, these planets in these signs, to keep it simple, will be pushing more and more, exponentially in fact, for societal, governmental, and spiritual change. What isn’t working will continue to be exposed as not working, likely in some dramatic ways. We have only to look at the general tenor of the news from say, 1996 to present to see the tip of the iceberg of what will come in the future. But enough let me now plunge into Y2K proper.

The year 2000, in the western world, births in on a Scorpio moon, which makes sense because that sign’s nature is “birth and death”. Keep in mind that there is a certain life quality to symbolism when it comes to astrology, which amounts to more than intellectual abstraction. So then Scorpio moon, it feels in this case, is a transformational wave. This midnight moon is moving into temporary configuration with three other positions held by slow moving planetary entities. This formation is called a Grand Cross, and to demonstrate the potential energy, a GC basically consisting of the same planets touched off the stock market fall in August of 1998.

Yes, this is a volatile situation, involving Saturn in the sign of Taurus, Uranus and Neptune in the sign of Aquarius, and what I call the point of Global Intention in the sign of Leo. As the Scorpio moon “lunates” these other three angles, it is probable that that will describe the computer systems breakdown which is currently becoming a real concern.

Let me clarify the meanings of the positions of the above geometry. Saturn is holding the place of the “status quo”: values, ownership, money. Neptune wants to expose needed changes in the status quo through the element of confusion. Uranus is the lightning bolt of Change Itself. The destiny point of Leo symbolizes the need “to boldly go” where we have not gone before, to create an equitable Earth situation. I suggest that we might welcome change, no matter how it comes.

There are other important planets at work here in the Y2K theatre, so let me introduce the two foremost players in order to keep things as simple as possible. First is Pluto, the mysterious, dark hand of evolution, who swings eccentrically around the Sun in a description of our Solar System’s boundaries. Pluto rules the push of the Soul to evolve and grow beyond limitations. Then there is Chiron, the “wounded healer”, who says that our deepest wounds are our greatest opportunity for growth, especially as we help others who have been stricken in like manner. Chiron is a bridge, circling between Saturn and Uranus, for the Soul to reach into our daily lives. Hence it is a critical bridge for us to traverse into the Times before us, the bridge of service to others.

Now for more evidence of a real event here. There is an exact conjunction, which is of monumental significance all unto itself, of the “evolutionary” Pluto and the “wounded healer” planet, Chiron, in the same degree of the sign of Sagittarius, which represents “higher consciousness”, higher education, foreign countries, and travel. The conjunction, all by itself, if the magnitude can be reduced to a single sentence, is intended to produce healing on Earth through higher understanding of the need for Universal Brotherhood/Sisterhood. Along the way, the conjuction, which will endure on and off for the whole year 2000, will most likely expose Earth’s lack of Brotherhood and lack of cooperation humanity needs to continue in any healthy way into the future. Such exposure, say about our over-reliance on computers to think for us, or about the use of computers by the “military-industrial complex”, as Eisenhower once coined it, to control the commercial habits of the world’s populace in order to maintain power, will have the intent of awakening the dozing masses from the fantasy capitalism perpetuates about materialism being the answer to all questions.

The union of the forces of Pluto and Chiron, to continue, is geometrically aspected to other points of the aforementioned GC, and here is where things get really interesting. They are pointing at a fierce angle called inconjunction to Saturn, which is, once again, in the sign of Taurus. Such cannot help but signify a breakdown in value structures around money, ownership, the economy, and the stock market, in order to bring us to better fundamental relationship with the Earth Itself and to bring us back in touch with the spiritual nature of “being here”. Taurus is the most earthy of all the zodiacal signs; it is also the most stubborn and is not wont to change unless duly prodded. Well, Y2K equals duly prodding, and then some. This aspect of Pluto/Chiron to Saturn will utilize the computer systems failure as a tool to promote research, mobilization, and cooperation to discover how we might relate more realistically with each other and the planet. Such intent spurred Joel and myself to put out this message of Unity.

From within the GC formation, Neptune and Uranus will be at a hard angle called a square to Saturn in Taurus. Along with the Pluto/Chiron pressure, this is an all out assault on the status quo. At the time of publishing, Neptune has already begun the square to Saturn which I have noticed describing a profound sadness about the ways of the world along with a confusion as to what to do. At the time of Y2K Neptune will be exactly opposite the point of Global Intention employed as a dissolver of Planetary Karma. Well, all I can say is that after 2000 years the garbage needs to be taken out. Our beliefs about life have created a worldwide stink, and it needs to be noticed before anything can be done. At the time of Y2K Uranus is also squaring Saturn, and such represents the lightning bolt of Change. If you have ever seen the Tarot Card called the Tower, then you know what I mean.

There is no need however for any kind of panic about the situation. I envision a brief period of computer breakdown, followed by a restoration of “normalcy”, but with some changes firmly imbedded in the minds of many as to the sort of “reality” for the foundation of a New Age. I foresee cooperation as the centerpiece of human relations at the time of Y2K, but I also expect darkness to define the light in the form of foolish fear and selfish opportunism of which humanity has been so well known for throughout history. How could it be otherwise? All in all, though, we have the opportunity to band together.

Here is the evidence. The Pluto/Chiron conjunction is at a beneficent angle called sextile to Uranus/Neptune. Such is indicative of transpersonal cooperation, healing, and the development of new, workable philosophy about the reality we want to create, together. Dreaming, visioning, and acting to build a bridge to the New Millennium. Also, Jupiter from the sign of Aries is sextile to Mars in the sign of Aquarius denotes a willingness on the personal level for new commitment to make changes and sacrifices by giving up old habits in order to become a better part of the Whole. Build a “better me” to build a “better we”.

Let us begin to look at darkness as “the other side of light” instead of an evil entity we cannot fathom or control. We have been taught through a preponderance of very convincing evidence that the Earth is a dubious place at best in which to live, that the Earth inherently bad, even a place of punishment. I say, categorically, no! It is what people choose to do that can make the Earth an unloving place. If only people knew they had choice and power to make our planet better, even the “bad people”, I sincerely believe they would. Nothing is intrinsically bad: simply, bad choices are made due to fear. Let me implore the people of the world to utilize Y2K as an opportunity to make some good choices through cooperation, tolerance, and higher understanding.

Peace, Love, and Light- Joshua Hayward